2023 and Me

At first, I was going to mention my Ls (losses), but I got an email from an international hotel conglomerate and they only mentioned wins. The only L I will mention is my Aunt Pat. #FUKCancer 2023 WINS Breaking News! We signed a partnership agreement to provide sponsorship procurement services to HBCU Legacy for the…

I’m Here to Help

Now that the Bay Area dozens of states have issued “Shelter in Place” orders many of you have to manage remote projects or work remotely for the first time. I am here to help. Schedule a call with me https://calendly.com/yourgirlprez/30 to talk about your current task list and online tools to make this process go…

Coronavirus Prevention – Made in the USA Eco-friendly Fashion Facemask

Our family has been manufacturing facemask in the USA since 2008. If you have yours you will be protected from #Coronavirus. If not, you should get yours TODAY while supplies last. Going fast. Protect your family and friends. #MadeInAmerica These facemasks are only available by the dozen. Made from natural bamboo fabric the Ease Travel…

Confession of a Side Hustler

The 2019 Hiscox Side hustle to Small Business report says on average a side hustle should generate $43,862 in revenue before you leave your full-time job. SHIT! I did this all wrong.  In July, I stepped out on faith in knowing that I was representing a great product and cause #mentalhealth. My life isn’t that different in November. I used to…