
First post of 2020. Whew, we made it. When I relaunched in July of 2019, I’d forgotten all the rollercoaster riding involved in entrepreneurship.

The biggest lesson I learned was not to base my decisions on past experiences. I have been doing that since I was 8 years old. I was raised by a serial entrepreneur. I knew it was hard but damn. Because I only remember the constant moving and stressful bill-paying moments, it was never a goal of mine to be an entrepreneur. The only thing I wanted to do, when I was 8, was use my grandmother’s typewriter and ditto machine at church on Saturday, shop for pretty dresses and eat.

What I knew is whatever my grandmother did, made the dresses, Saturdays, and eating happen. And whatever my mom did made the big stuff happen.. housing, lots of other clothes, experiences, summer camp with the mean kids, restaurants and toys. Until it didn’t happen and the padlock was on the door or we kept the juice outside the door to keep cold. It’s not all clear.

I couldn’t put my little finger on it, but I didn’t want to do what she did. I would help when I could. I labeled items at the clothing boutique in the late ’70s, work the cash register at the beauty supply store in the late ’80s, designed logos, I learn word processing, photography, and marketing, managed events and sold t-shirts all before I left home for college when I was 17.

Here I am nearly 30 years later. I did what my grandmother did for over 17 years. I was very good at it too. But the reality is, none of the big stuff was happening. Yea, some basic stuff like a mortgage, car notes, credit card bills, student loans, etc. The reality is only business owners and successful entrepreneurs have the big stuff without the basic check to check stress. That is what I want. The big stuff without the basic check-to-check stress.

If you are a small business owner, nonprofit executive, or entrepreneur that wants to increase your revenue through lead generation, digital marketing, and communications or any other the other services we provide, I’m your girl.

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