Charlotte NC – District 2

June 26, 2020, marks the 3 year anniversary of the day I (briefly) wanted to hold public office. I ran to replace Al Austin as the District 2 Council rep. I learned the difference between being an ADVOCATE vs a POLITICIAN. I prefer advocacy. I wish I could say much has changed in the area since that day. It has not. We are on our third representative including the woman that won that night. Below is the transcript of my speech.

We, the unwilling, led by the unqualified, have been doing the unbelievable for so long with so little, we now attempt the impossible with nothing. My mom’s favorite quote

Good Evening, On June 21, 2016, hundreds of Charlotte residents gathered to celebrate the life of Nancy Crown. Nancy passed away suddenly but not before she and her sisters launched a grassroots initiative to increase bipartisanship and compromise called Bridging the Political Divide.

One year later, in her honor and memory, I submitted my online application to be considered to replace District 2 Council Representative Al Austin.

Here I stand today in purple.  Purple in symbolism that Charlotte can set the standard to bridge the political divide. That we can be a national example of how to bridge the economic and racial divide. That as a team we show the world that when red and blue policymakers come together we make a powerful purple.

Many of you already know me.  I have been a resident of District 2 for over 12 years. We’ve sat in countless developer and planning meetings with University City and Charlotte Center City Partners.  We’ve taken pictures at job creating ribbon cuttings and grand openings, and listened to residents’ in every district concerns about public safety and infrastructure in our city.

We’ve volunteered together to empower girls and women to advocate for themselves, to be leaders in our community and activate their limitless potential.

I seek this appointment, knowing 5 months isn’t a long time. But it’s enough time to shine a light on the brilliance and hard work in the district I call home.  It’s enough time to bring the audacity of opportunity to the residents that have fallen into the shadows.  It’s enough time to encourage microbusiness owners to pursue their dreams to be their best selves; to provide for their families and learn to use what’s in their hands.  Whether it’s Ms. Sheila’s famous cakes at a pop up market or Mr. Sam getting his automotive technician certification after being the neighborhood mechanic all his adult life. Every resident should have the support and access to resources he or she needs to be great.

It’s enough time to begin to connect residents in the Historic West End and the neighborhoods surrounding Camp North End with the necessities, we all take for granted, that make it possible to create economic opportunity. Have you ever tried to fill out a job application on your cell phone?

It’s enough time to increase the tax base and economic vitality of not just District 2, but Charlotte as a whole. 

I am Rashaan Peek, I would be honored to be your District 2 representative.

Thank you

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